J'aime commander des trucs sur internet et remplir comme ça régulièrement ma boite aux lettres de paillettes et de kawaiitude! C'est dans ce but très précis que j'ai passé commande le mois dernier auprès de ma puce Sophie (merci encore ma chéwiiie), et voilà ce que j'ai reçu quelques jours plus tard : un colis rokkuet kawaii, rempli de petites choses roses!
Hi babes! I'm back with a new post, and I think you gonna like it! I love ordering things on internet and then to have my letter box full of fashion stuff! That's why I asked my lovely Sophie (thank you again my dear) to find me some rokku and kawaii things!
I found this Ghost of Harlem dress last summer on their website. And this winter there was a big sale on it, so I couldn't resist! It's a perfect beauty, it's original, cute and sooooo pink! The onlybigcon : it's very very short! I have to wear it with black thights or flat boots.
Pour accessoiriser ma petite, mini, micro robe, une croix Glavil fushia m'est apparue comme le meilleur des choix!Certes, j'avais déjà une croix Glavil rose, mais elle était rose pâle! Totalement rien à voir donc! ;)
To accessoirize this cute dress, a Glavil cross sounded like an evidence! lol I already have the baby pink one, I totally needed the hot pink one!
Pour compléter ma panoplie de rokku gyaru, j'ai refait mon stock de bottom lashes Eyemazing no 201. Mes chouchous! J'adore le style "spiky"!
To complete my rokku look, I bought my favorite bottom lashes. The Eyemazing are the best for me, I love their spiky look!
I also asked Sophie if she could find for me some kawaii stickers to decorate my Instax or my puricho. And these Little Twin Stars stickers are so cute!!
Last but not least : we find fun things in Japan, including this Wonka chocolate! I was afraid it may be disgusting, but it's really delicious, with some crispy things and caramel inside!
Love this shade of pink on you! <3 The dress is sooo pretty!
Your gets are so awesome!
You look really great in the dress aswell♡
I love the dress and I've been thinking about getting such a cross myself ^w^
Nice post ^^
The stuff you've bought is really awesome, especially the Glavil bag, I envy you! And rokku suits you very well!
Wooow so many amazing items! *3* I love that dress on you!
You are so lucky to have found this!! I love that pink on you <3
I love your new dress *-*
@everyone : Awwwww thank you so much guys! It seems that everyone likes pink on me! So I think I have to try much outfits with this shade! xoxo
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