Oct 2, 2010

I like fur... fake fur

WC and muse muse by ROYAL PARTY, on Tokyo Girls Collection
As we can see this autumn, fur is everywhere!! It's so beautiful, so warm, so soft, so smooth...
I love fur...but when it's fake fur!! And this year it seems to be real fur : fox, rabbit... For example, every japanese fashion website sell his own fox fur tail!

 It's just my opinion, but I can't imagine wearing a fox or a rabbit accessory just to be "fashion", I think it's so cruel. Bunnies have to be in nature, not in a pouch. And in one year, I bet you everything I have that this fox tail will be in a dusty closet...because it won't be fashion anymore.

Fur is really beautiful and I would like to hang a cute fur tail on my bag, but I want it in fake fur only. You'll probably see fur clothes on my blog, but never real fur. I love animals so much for that.

Now, look at these pictures and tell me you want them as a keyring or a muffler!
To cute to be worn ^^ Don't you think?

See you soon gals!


Sophie said...

Ohhh, I love the little rabit, SO CUTE !!! *.*
I prefer fake fur too !!

FruityLoly said...

Coucou Miss,

Il est super mimi et joli ton nouveau blog. J'aime beaucoup les couleurs très girly.
Les photos sont superbes mais j'avoue que l'anglais et moi c'est pas top lol!!
Je suis plutôt nule en langue mais c'est pas grave je regarderai les images lol ^^.
En tout cas, c'est un joli début miss! Bonne continuation.

Ly Kitsune said...

Merci pour vos gentils commentaires les filles! Et merci à toi Loly de m'avoir signalé ce souci de langue auquel je ne pensais pas! Désormais, je ferai toujours une partie en français!^^ A bientôt et gros poutous!!

Mimi Ichigo said...

Je suis bien d'accord, porter de la vrai fourure, c'est scandaleux pour moi. Mais la fausse fourure, cela peut-être jolie. ^^
Je viens de découvrir ton blog, il est simpa et jolie. =)